The Support After Suicide Partnership brings together suicide bereavement organisations and people with lived experience, to achieve a vision that everyone bereaved or affected by suicide is offered timely and appropriate support.

The Support After Suicide Partnership have curated some help booklets and downloads helping you process each stage of bereavement through suicide:


Bereaved by Suicide helps you through the stages of loss, how to support each other as a family as well as children, sorting out affairs, information on investigations around the death as well as helpful organisations that can help.

Bereaved by Suicide


Suicide Bereavement UK’s website has been designed so that it is relevant to various audiences, examples include

  • Those bereaved or affected by suicide trying to identify support and key resources
  • Professionals who come into contact with those bereaved by suicide
  • Those responsible for developing or commissioning a postvention service
  • Those who wish to attend evidence-based suicide bereavement training
  • Employers who are seeking bespoke crisis consultation when affected by suicide
  • Academics

Veteran Support 


Finding the right words, if you are supporting someone who has been bereaved by suicide, findings the right words, knowing what to say and how to support them can often be difficult.

Finding the words


Witnessing a Suicide and making sense of lasting memories – Suicide can have profound and long term affects, witnessing a suicide can happen at anytime to anyone.  This guide offers advice on how to deal with how you maybe feeling, the long lasting affects, supporting someone who has witnessed a suicide, help with moving on and real accounts from people who have experienced it.

Witnessing a Suicide


Special Occasions – One of the hardest things to deal with, with any death is special occasions.  There are all sorts of specials occasions including anniversaries, birthdays, holidays and occasions unique to that person.  As these occasions arise it may be difficult or anxious time.

Coping with Special Occasions


Suicide Bereavement – Experts in the Field – This website has been designed to have key help, advice and resources for the following, who might find them helpful.

  • Those bereaved or affected by suicide trying to identify support and key resources
  • Professionals who come into contact with those bereaved by suicide
  • Those responsible for developing or commissioning a postvention service
  • Those who wish to attend evidence-based suicide bereavement training
  • Employers who are seeking bespoke crisis consultation when affected by suicide
  • Academics


For more information from Support after Suicide Partnerships