Busting the Myths around Suicide


‘Evidence shows asking someone if they’re suicidal can protect them. They feel listened to, and hopefully less trapped. Their feelings are validated, and they know that somebody cares about them. Reaching out can save a life.’
Rory O’Connor, Professor of Health Psychology at Glasgow University ​



How can I make a difference?

You can help make a stand in the fight against suicide stigma. Remember, every conversation, every act of kindness, and every effort to dispel myths can make a real difference. Here’s some ideas of what you can do:

🏠 Be a safe space for someone else

Let your friends and loved ones know they can open up to you. 

☎️ Reach out

Call or drop a friend, colleague or loved one a message if you think they might be going through a difficult time. A simple “I’m here if you want to talk” can make a big difference.

💻 Take the training 

Taking the 20-minute training video on this website can help you understand how to approach the conversation and to notice the signs.


🔎 Learn the facts yourself

And don’t be afraid to use them! Knowing myths about suicide and signs someone may be struggling could potentially save someone’s life.  The Samaritans website can offer a wealth of facts and even more myths about suicide.


💚Supporting someone who is at crisis point can be distressing. It’s important to look after yourself too. If you need to talk, you can call Samaritans free on 116 123, anytime of the day or night.💚


*All myths and facts taken from the Samaritans website, with thanks.