Are you struggling with the cost of living?  Is it affecting your mental health?

We know people are worried about the rising cost of living so we can created a local page for Hertfordshire residents with help and services available.

Here you can find information about local food banks, warm hubs, grants and loans and much more.

We will update this page as often as we can with as much information as we can.

If the rise in cost of living is affecting your mental health and you feel in crisis remember you can call NHS 111 and chose Option 2 to talk to someone.


Herts Council 

You can find your localised Council and the help on offer here:

Three Rivers cost of living help –

Warm Hubs:

A warm hub is a safe location where you can keep warm, socialise and have a cup of tea.

We know how expensive it can be to heat your home at the moment and how detrimental it can be for mental health to be isolated so we will try and add as many warm hubs as possible here.

Here you can find information on warm hubs in your area: