Approximately one in five women experience common mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Various factors contribute to these problems, with some risk factors being particularly prevalent among women. Compared to men, women are more likely to:

  • Serve as carers, leading to stress, anxiety, and isolation.
  • Live in poverty, which, coupled with concerns about personal safety and primarily working at home, can result in social isolation.
  • Suffer physical and sexual abuse, with long-term effects on mental health. If you’re experiencing domestic violence.
  • Experience sexual violence, which can lead to PTSD.

When women struggle to express their difficult feelings, they often internalise them, resulting in depression, eating disorders, and self-harm. Whereas, men are more likely to externalise their emotions through disruptive or antisocial behaviour.

However, certain factors can protect women’s mental health. Women generally have stronger social networks, find it easier to confide in friends, and are more likely to receive treatment for mental health issues.